I cannot say enough good things about these products.
Hello, theCreamI have been using your full line of products for the last several months and have been thoroughly enjoying them! What a great line of products, especially the facial products.2 1/2 weeks ago, I had a bicycle accident in which I sustained multiple facial fractures. My face, neck and chest were badly scraped up and bruised as well. Once i was out of surgery (my jaw is wired closed and one of my jaw fractures has plates and screws ) and I was discharged home, I started to use Repair and then the Facial Serum and Lip on the abrasions which covered the right side of my face, my lips, chin, chest and one shoulder.Within a week most of the scabs were gone. All the scabs are now gone, The skin is soft. There will be no scarring at all! Even the uneven pinkness where the abrasions were is fading fast! It is almost impossible at a glance to tell that I was ever in an accident. I am continuing to use the Facial Serum twice daily to keep the damaged areas moist and supple and protected.Thank you for this wonderful product line. I thought I was a convert before. Now i am a promoter! I cannot say enough good things about these products.Kim MJuly 29, 2016