Commonly used chemicals found in most other personal care products.
Chemicals you WILL NOT find in any of theCream Skincare products!
Know your ingredients and stay away from toxic and harmful chemicals. It’s not worth the risk. Be safe and remember beautiful skin is healthy skin.
theCream DOES NOT use them:
Alcohol, isopropyl (SD-40)
A very drying and irritating solvent and dehydrator that strips your skin’s natural acid mantle, making us more vulnerable to bacteria, moulds and viruses. It is made from propylene, a petroleum derivative. It may promote brown spots and premature aging of skin.
Ammonium ingredients
Toxic, carcinogenic.
Implicated in wide variety of health problems including testicular cancer, cell mutation and other cancers.
Benzoyl peroxide
Produces tremendously dangerous free radicals in the skin, increases the chances of cancer. It also causes over-drying of the skin.
Encourages the breakdown of vitamins such as vitamin D, can cause lipid and cholesterol levels to increase, endocrine disruptor, toxic.
DEA ingredients
All ingredients with DEA after the first word such as concamid-dea, cause cancer. These chemicals are already restricted in Europe due to known carcinogenic effects.
Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to four thousand separate ingredients, many toxic or carcinogenic.
Toxic, irritants, hydroquinone has been shown to cause leukemia in mice and other animals. The European Union banned it from cosmetics in 2001. Can cause hyper- pigmentation.
Any chemicals used on sheep will contaminate the lanolin obtained from the wool. The majority of lanolin used in cosmetics is highly contaminated with pesticides like DDT. Laureth family (sodium lauryl sulfate, most ingredients with laureth or lauryl in the name).
Carcinogenic, skin irritants may be contaminated with large amounts of toxins in manufacturing process, contains ammonium salts, can cause acne, dermatitis and hair loss.
PEG, polyethylene, polyethylene glycol, polyoxyethylene
Potentially carcinogenic petroleum ingredient that can alter and reduce the skin’s natural moisture factor. This could increase the appearance of aging and leave you more vulnerable to bacteria. Used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease. It adjusts the melting point and thickens products. Also used in caustic spray-on oven cleaners.
Parabens – (methyl, propyl, etc, paraben family)
Implicated in a multitude of health problems, estrogenic, cancer causing, allergenic, found in breast tissue, replicates in DNA, stored in fat cells.
Petrochemicals (paraffin, mineral oil, petroleum, petrolatum, vaseline)
Coats the skin like plastic, clogging the pores, slows down skin function and cell development, resulting in premature aging, acne producing, may be carcinogenic, causes dry skin, respiratory toxin and may cause dizziness.
Phenol Carbolic Acid
Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, and even death. Pythalates (look for your plastics- squeeze bottles, soft plastics) Carcinogens, mutation agents, stored in fat cells.
Propylene/butylene glycol
Is a petroleum derivative, penetrates the skin very quickly and causes contact dermatitis, skin irritations, acne, allergies, the EPA considers PG so toxic that it warns against skin contact to prevent consequences such as brain, liver and kidney abnormalities, and can also weaken protein & cellular structures.
Octyl stearate
Acne producing, contact dermatitis, allergic reactions.
Silicone derived emollients – dimethicone copolyol, cyclomethicone, etc.
Occlusive – that is they coat the skin, trapping anything beneath it, and do not allow the skin to breathe (much like plastic wrap would do.)
TEA ingredients
(Ingredients with TEA in front such as Tea lauryl sulfate) Severe irritants, can contain ammonium salts, eye irritant, sensitizers, highly acidic. Over 40% of cosmetics containing Triethanolamine (TEA), have been found to be contaminated with nitrosamines, which are potent carcinogens.
May appear on ingredients labels as phenylmethane, methylbenzene, or toluol and is found in nail products. Can cause neurological damage.